
JavaScript Cheat Sheet - Binge Worthy

JavaScript cheat sheet for developers with basic knowledge


![screenshot](/JavaScript-Cheat-Sheet--Binge-Worthy/JavaScript.jpg) ## Overview JavaScript cheat sheet for developers with basic knowledge. ## Resources - [Variables - Storing the information you need]( MDN Web Docs - [Data Types and Data Structures]( MDN Web Docs - [Expressions and Operators]( - MDN Web Docs - How is `==` different from `===` [(loose equality vs strict equality)]( - freeCodeCamp - [`If, Else, Else If`]( - w3schools - [`Array`]( - MDN Web Docs - `For` [statement creates a loop]( - MDN Web Docs - `Switch` [Statement]( - MDN Web Docs - `ParseInIt()` [How to take a string and return an integer]( - MDN Web Docs - `CharAt()` [Method - return a character at specified position]( - w3schools - [`Math Random()`]( - MDN Web Docs - [`Math Floor()`]( - MDN Web Docs - [JavaScript Objects]( - w3schools - [Object]( - MDN Web Docs - [Working with objects]( - MDN Web Docs - [Working with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)]( - MDN Web Docs - [`Function`]( - Codecademy - `Function`[Parameters]( - w3schools - `Arrow`[Functions]( - freeCodeCamp video - [JavaScript Playlist]( - video - [Scope]( - MDN Web Docs - `this`[keyword]( - MDN Web Docs - `window`[object- Web APIs]( - MDN Web Docs - [Document Object Model (DOM)]( - MDN Web Docs - `setTimeout()``setInterval()`[methods]( - video - [JavaScript Events - All you need to know]( - video - [JavaScript Events Tutorial 1 - How web developers respond to user input]( video - [JavaScript Events Tutorial 2 for begining web development]( - video - [DOM EventListener]( - video - `addEventListener()`[Event Method - Web APIs]( - `preventDefault()`[Event Method- Simplified]( - video - `preventDefault()`[Event Method]( -W3Schools > **Note** > If you're looking for HTML and CSS Cheat Sheet, [see this link](#). ## PDF - Table data Cheat Sheet [download]( - iLoveCoding - [Download the full 13-page PDF]( ## Emailware JavaScript Cheat Sheet is an [emailware]( Meaning, if you liked using this info or it has helped you in any way, I'd like you to send me an email at <> about anything you'd want to say about this resource. I'd really appreciate it! ## Links - Solution URL: - Live Site URL: ## Author - Github - [Yuliya Tasheva]( ## License MIT --- > [](#)  ·  > GitHub [@YTasheva](  ·  > Twitter [@YTasheva](#)  ·